Octopi Media Services

A cloud-based media workflow platform that offers virtually zero-latency delivery, instant video recording, ad insertion, and audio mixing
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Mode of operation

Transfer from the push SDK to the server and then from the server to the client Use the playback SDK to decode, display and play

Streaming with almost zero latency

On the left is the captured image from the Octopi Capture source, and on the right is the captured image from the Octopi Player player. The encoding is transmitted to the server, and then transmitted from the server to the client to decode and display. The fastest delay can reach about 16ms.

Multi-platform simultaneous playback

The time played by each user is almost the same, there is no error, and it is playing at the same time


Cloud real-time recording function

Instream ads

Instantly switch ad streams to improve customer revenue streams

audio mixing

Instant cloud mixing function can be applied to online KTV chorus